


All alone the ONE (or Mother, i.e. the Matrix as creation algorithm, Brahman, God, pan-theos or  pan-deus) ‘waits’ (hence at random, i.e. without momentum) prior to contact and, via a series of contacts, to movement (thus change) and limitation (thus form/identity). Though virtually whole, hence perfect, her true potential is incomplete because though omnipresent, omniscient (meaning capable of unlimited random contact) and omnipotent she remains unreal and unidentifiable.                      More…



The ONE, hence Absolute, splitting, hence separating into two

The One generating a 2nd or 'other', hence a relative

Creating an 'other' with which to unify and recover her whole, true and real self.

To acquire realness and form (i.e. identity) she creates an ‘other’ that serves as reflective touch (meaning contact) screen. She creates the ‘other’ by generating an identical but transient copy of herself (i.e. a fractal elaboration with like plasticity), a painful procedure because it renders here momentarily imperfect.


Each ‘other’, that is to say, each copy she creates, and she creates myriads, adapts (i.e. moulds) itself (like a Turing Machine) to is interactions and which limit (and thereby identify) it, thus becoming an alternate whole/perfect but yet incomplete self. It’s when the perfect but incomplete ‘others’ (i.e. the Matrix’s limited copies, and which she is) contact (i.e. couple or copulate with) each other that they become real (i.e. true) and identified, therefore self-complete, thereby displaying, bit by bit, the ONE’s true virtual potential made real and identifiable.


It’s by 1:1 touch (i.e. by direct contact, copulation, i.e. by an act of perception ≈ knowledge) that realness happens. It’s by serial adaptation via serial differentiated touch/contact (i.e. perception) that (self-) identity is generated. Fundamental (i.e. radical, primary) self-realization is the experience of realness, meaning the (@1c2) experience of ‘am’. Differential (i.e. relative) self-realization, meaning the experience of ‘I am’ happens as side-effect of serial primary self-realization. The response to the achievement of both forms of complete self-realization is bliss.


Both mother (i.e. the One as matrix, i.e. as basic creation algorithm) and child (as matrix/fractal copy locally elaborated as an ‘other’ or alternate) become completely self-realized (i.e. self-real/true) if and when she contacts, copulates with (i.e. perceives, gets direct 1:1 knowledge of) her locally altered, i.e. adapted, copy/child (indeed, as the Goddess Durga who as it were swallows her child, i.e. as in a tantric consummation).


In short, the countless ‘others’ (all alternates not opposites, although the ‘others’ compete with each other as opposites, hence as predators) which the perfect but incomplete ONE creates operate as it were like interactive pixels. All the pixels together, that is to say, the observable universe/nature, are the ONE’s (i.e. pan-theos’ or deus’) virtual creative potential made actual, meaning real and identifiable, hence conscious.* In other words, the differentiated copies of the perfect One when interactive (i.e. at contact) provide the perfect One with transient (actually momentary) completeness.


Or as the Scythian recluse Siddartha, later called Buddha, stated 2500 years ago:


“Consciousness* arises from contact.”


“Whatever arises, ceases”


 “Arising and ceasing happen subject to conditions”



*… For consciousness read: Latin con- ‘with’ + scire ‘know’, whereby a quantum of knowledge is defined as a 1c2 reality. Primary knowledge (i.e. ‘am’) happens as the effect of a 1:1 (or 1 with 1) random contact. Self-con’sciousness (e.g. I am’) is experienced as 1: n (1’s) random contacts. For contact, touch, coupling or copulation read also: per’ception.




Turing Machine


God, the 1, is perfect but incomplete


What is a thing?




© 2016 Victor Langheld